Hamilton - First Baptist Church Hico

  • Pastor
    Garrett Hager   •     Email   •     (325)998-5644
  • Associate Pastor
    Stanton Blackburn   •     Email   •     (254)485-0638
  • Secretary
    Janie Holderman   •     Email   •     (254)796-4238
  • Youth Minister
    Matt Squire   •     Email   •     (512)750-7266
Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship
Wednesday Night Service

People are hurting; we want to help. The mission of First Baptist Church is to reach people for Jesus. We believe Jesus is the hope and answer for the entire world. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life,"(John 8:12b). Our goal is to help people discover the light that is found only in Christ.